Weight Loss with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Weight Loss with Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

There’s a good reason you’ve been hearing so much about the new class of weight loss drugs over the internet and on the nightly news.

They work. Generically known as semaglutide and tirzepatide, these prescription medications are highly effective for weight loss for a simple reason: they cause you to feel full after eating only a small amount of food.

Prescriptions for these state-of-the-art diet aids are now available from our medically supervised team of healthcare specialists at Decoris Aesthetics in Westlake Village. 

How Does Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Work?

Semaglutide is available under assorted widely advertised brand names. While dosages differ, it is comprised of synthetic hormones called glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, or GLP-1 RAs. Tirzepatide has a similar chemical makeup.

These drugs do three things: 

  • They cause the body to produce more insulin to help diabetics; 
  • They slow down the rate of digestion, reducing feelings of hunger;
  • They activate the areas of the brain that tell us we are full.


That last item is crucial because study after study has shown what most dieters already knew from experience – the more weight we lose, the hungrier we become. The sad truth is that weight loss triggers the increased production of hormones that tell us it’s time to eat while suppressing hormones that tell us we’re full. 

It’s not hard to see why our bodies became this way. In the not-too-distant past, a sudden drop in the amount of calories we ingested often meant a famine was on the way and it was time to pack on as much fat as possible to help us survive the lean times ahead. These feelings do not go away. While some very determined people can achieve their goal weight, vanishingly few can maintain it over time. Semaglutide and tirzepatide effectively counteract this all-but-insurmountable roadblock. 

Meals and Nutrition

Meals will likely be the smallest you’ve had in a very long time but you should not feel hungry afterward. Because you’ll be eating so much less food, however, choosing very nutritious foods will be essential. The good news is that you likely won’t have much interest in junk food while taking these medications. 

Our medical team will make specific recommendations about nutritional supplements to help ensure you’re getting all of the nutrition you need on your much new diet.

What About Side Effects?

All drugs may have some side effects and semaglutide and tirzepatide carry a risk of symptoms that may be unpleasant. Patients should be on the lookout for vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating as well as headaches and fatigue. Please contact the medically supervised team at Decoris Aesthetics immediately if you experience any of these symptoms and we will make the necessary adjustment depending on the situation.

Aren’t Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Only for Type 2 Diabetes?

Not anymore. While they were originally only authorized for diabetes treatment, doctors began prescribing the drugs off-label as their powerful weight loss side effects emerged. The drugs are considered dual-targeted in that they can help with both blood sugar and excess appetite. Semaglutide is now FDA-approved for weight loss and tirzepatide is available off-label. Studies have indicated that, for weight loss, both semaglutide1 and tirzepatide2 are effective and safe options.

1Weight Loss Outcomes Associated With Semaglutide Treatment for Patients With Overweight or Obesity,” JAMA Network Open. Wissam Ghusn, M.D., Alan De la Rosa, M.D., Daniel Sacoto, M.D., Lizeth Cifuentes, M.D., Alejandro Campos, M.D., Fauzi Feris, M.D., Maria Daniela Hurtado, M.D., Ph.D., and Andres Acosta, M.D., Ph.D. September 19, 2022.

2Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity,” New England Journal of Medicine. Ania M. Jastreboff, M.D., Ph.D., Louis J. Aronne, M.D., Nadia N. Ahmad, M.D., M.P.H., Sean Wharton, M.D., Pharm.D., Lisa Connery, M.D., Breno Alves, M.D., Arihiro Kiyosue, M.D., Ph.D., Shuyu Zhang, M.S., Bing Liu, Ph.D., Mathijs C. Bunck, M.D., Ph.D., and Adam Stefanski, M.D., Ph.D. July 21, 2022.

How are Semaglutide and Tirzepatide Taken?

The medications are taken once a week by a simple and fairly painless injection under the skin.

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide at Decoris Aesthetics

The increasingly proven weight loss benefits of these drugs are spurring massive interest and, as of this writing, production is having a hard time keeping up with demand. Decoris Aesthetics is happy to be the area’s premier location for semaglutide and tirzepatide, providing prescriptions to patients who can benefit from them at our medically supervised clinic in the city of Westlake Village in Ventura County-adjacent North Los Angeles County.

Led by our supervising physician and medical director, our team of health and beauty professionals is dedicated to ensuring safe and successful outcomes for all of our weight loss options. All prescription dosages are customized to the needs of the patient. Just as important, we provide weekly monitoring to ensure you are getting good outcomes from your prescriptions.

Weight Loss Options at Decoris Aesthetics

Everyone has their own situation, so Decoris Aesthetics provides other weight loss options. These include injections of B12 and MICC, which stands for l-methionine, inositol, choline, and cyanocobalamin as well as a state-of-the-art meal replacement program.

Decoris Aesthetics Can Help!

Get Started on a Lighter New Life

If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of the new weight loss drugs, our team at Decoris Aesthetic wants to hear from you. We are staying on top of supply issues and should be able to provide safe and effective treatments for patients at our Westlake Village location.

For further information on weight loss or any of our other health and beauty services, including body contouring as well as IV therapy and injections, please don’t wait. Our caring and friendly team of healthcare and beauty professionals look forward to helping you feel and look your very best.

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