IPL and Photon Facials

Rejuvenation facial treatment isolated on white. Model gets lifting therapy
IPL and Photon Facials

At Decoris Aesthetics, we’re proud to offer treatments that use light waves to bring out the best in skin.  While too much sunlight can damage our skin and make us look older, it turns out that the right amount of the right kinds of light can helps us to look our very best. Healthcare and aesthetics technology field has found numerous ways to help people appear more youthful and vibrant without the need for plastic surgery and we’re proud to offer the best of them!


Intense pulsed light, IPL for short, can treat several of the most common skin complaints by aiming specific wavelengths at problem areas. Such troublemakers as acne, excess pigmentation, and concentrations of damaged cells typically respond by dissipating and are absorbed by the body.

The treatment itself involves the medical technician using a small handheld device. The device emits a broad spectrum of light, which is filtered to make sure only desired wavelengths reach the skin. The device is then placed against problem areas that target the problem area(s) while leaving other tissue intact. It is effective against many issues, including the following:

  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Birthmarks
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Freckles
  • Liver Spots
  • Melasma/hyperpigmentation
  • Redness/sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Scarring
  • Spider Veins


Who is Not a Candidate for IPL?

IPL treatment is not recommended for people with keloid scarring, very dark skin types, immune difficulties, or who are using retinoid cream as well as blood thinning medications or who may have medical problems related to blood coagulation. It is also not recommended for anyone who’s pregnant or nursing as well as those suffering from skin cancer.

How Should I Prepare for Treatment?

Our team will give you detailed instructions but you will generally want to avoid anything that might stress the skin such as sunbathing/tanning beds, waxing, and other types of skin treatments for at least two weeks before treatment. It is also important to not use any makeup, perfumes, colognes, or other scented products on the day of treatment. 

What Happens During IPL Treatment?

It’s a fairly short and simple process. Numbing creams are available for patients concerned about the treatment hurting but the level of discomfort is typically very minor. As with other light-based therapies, people generally describe the sensation as feeling like a pinch or a rubber band being snapped against the skin but the level of discomfort from patient to patient is highly variable. The treatment is usually over within about a half hour.

What to Expect Following IPL

Immediately afterward, clients may experience short-lived redness and perhaps a mild stinging sensation. Swelling may also appear and can linger for a few days. It is advised that clients should moisturize for about three months after treatment. As with most non-invasive skin procedures, there is little or no downtime.

 If you see any unexpected side effects, contact us immediately.

Each case is different and most packages involve three to five sessions but some results may be apparent soon after the first procedure in many cases.

Photon Facial/LED Treatment

This gentler light therapy uses LED (light emitting diode) therapy and goes by several names including photo facials and photon facials, though it also has other benefits. It is being explored for numerous medical uses and proudly touted by NASA as one of its many beneficial spin-off technologies.* Clients have found that this essentially painless option may also help in the following areas:

  • Acne
  • Aging skin
  • Eczema
  • Dry skin
  • Pain Relief
  • Psoriasis
  • Sun damage
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Wound healing


What Happens During Photon Therapy?

The treatment is simple and relaxing. Clients are given protective eyewear and lay down under a row of lights for a period that is usually less than half an hour. While the light will generate some warmth, the entire process is naturally pain-free.

What Happens After Photon Treatment?

Since the treatment is so gentle, there are usually no immediate side effects and longer-term issues are extremely rare. However, repeated photon treatments are typically needed and it may take weeks to see the benefits of treatment. We will create a custom plan designed especially for you and help you to evaluate your outcomes after multiple treatments.

*NASA Research Illuminates Medical Uses of Light,” NASA Spinoff, May 19, 2022.

Decoris Aesthetics Can Help!

Ready to Put a Better Face on Your Life?

We are the leading medical spa in the north LA County and eastern Ventura County area. Our team of friendly and caring medical and beauty experts is here to help you make the most of your life. If you want to explore one of the many treatments we offer at Decoris Aesthetics, get in touch with us by phone or email today.

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Facial Beauty Treatment. Woman Doing Red Led Light Therapy