IV Therapy and Injections

IV Therapy and Injections

Our world is full of toxic stress, not to mention all kinds of outdoor and indoor pollution; the foods and drinks that we put into our bodies are often not much better. But if putting bad things into our bodies can make us feel bad, why can’t good things help make us feel better? Decoris Aesthetic offers custom IV therapy as well as injections with special nutrient blends that can help to counteract the worst of modern life.

What Can IV Therapy Help With?

These custom treatments include specially designed cocktails providing hydration, nutrients, and other healthy natural products. Our IV therapy clients have reported significant benefits in many areas. These include:

  • Energy
  • Athletic performance
  • Immunity
  • Detoxification
  • Anti-aging
  • Headache relief
  • Weight loss
  • Cognitive function


Clients also turn to these treatments to promote healthy skin, joints, muscles, and hair.

Why IV Treatment?

We’ve all seen the bottles of saline solution used in hospitals. They are there to ensure patients remain hydrated, have the right balance of vital electrolytes, and don’t suffer from any nutrient deficiencies as well as to deliver medications. In recent years, however, healthcare professionals have realized that IVs are for good for much more than preventing dehydration and poor nutrition in a hospital setting. 

Specifically, our team at Decoris Aesthetics has found that skipping the gastrointestinal system and placing special nutrient mixtures directly into the bloodstream can mean faster and more certain outcomes for people who may not be ill but who could use a nutrition boost to achieve optimal wellness. 

While Decoris Aesthetics offers custom mixtures catering to the needs of specific patients, we’ve found that many of our clients come to us for help in a few particular areas. 


The immune system and how it works have become one of the most discussed areas of human health. Most of us are aware of its importance in warding off countless illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria but, while modern medicine continues to make strides in aiding the immune system, it tends to focus on warding off particular illnesses. For those of us who may be exposed to children and other frequent carriers of a wide array of bugs and infections, Decoris Aesthetics IV treatments can be a powerful addition to other methods of protecting against viruses.

Our custom-made immune-boosting IV formulas typically include high doses of vitamin C, B-Complex, and D, as well as two key minerals: zinc and selenium. In combination, these nutrients are not only helpful for boosting our natural immunity to viral and bacterial illnesses, but they are also essential for good health. Vitamin D deficiencies remain surprisingly common and are associated with numerous health issues ranging from osteoporosis to depression. Zinc is thought to generally boost the immune system and may lessen the severity or length of common colds. Vitamin C remains a standby in the immunity arsenal and is an absolute must for overall good health.


Even if you can avoid industrial toxins or those related to cleaning products and furniture, there is also pollution with biological causes. As long as our homes have people, plants, pets, and pests inside of them, biological toxins are going to be an issue. These toxins can spur a range of chronic health issues, especially allergic reactions, and asthma. While purifying the air in our homes by various means can help, there’s only so much most of us have time and money to address. Working from the inside and ridding your body of toxins can help you to feel and look your best.

Decoris Aesthetics custom detox IV mixture includes a host of antioxidants that are believed to speed cellular repair and restore our energy levels and sense of well-being. These include glutathione, a combination of three key amino acids (proteins) that is one of the most powerful of all antioxidants. Our bodies tend to produce less of this substance as we age and placing it directly in the bloodstream is the best way we know to make sure our clients get the most benefit from it.



Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, better known as NAD+, is a powerful coenzyme involved with cellular function. It’s naturally produced by the body but, as with other beneficial substances, production lessens as we age. Deficiencies have been tied to many of the worst symptoms of aging including susceptibility to cancer and cognitive decline.1 Replenishing NAD+ is being looked at for many uses but we don’t have to wait to benefit from this leading-edge supplement. Our clients tell us that they leave their treatments enjoying many of the following benefits in terms 

  • Less fatigue/increased energy
  • Better skin health
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Improved muscle function

There is also some evidence that NAD+ may offer benefits in terms of the neurobiology of addiction,2 and some people take the supplement as part of their recovery.


A synthesized version of a naturally occurring hormone that spurs the body to create human growth hormone (HGH), sermorelin can have many powerful impacts when injected regularly. This is a prescription medication that has been associated with many anti-aging impacts including an increase in lean body fat and a decrease in body fat of up to 10 percent without exercise. 

Our clients have also found benefits in the following areas:

  • Energy
  • Endurance
  • Immunity
  • Libido/sexual function
  • Sleep
  • Strength
  • Wound healing

Sermorelin is taken regularly by self-injection. Our medical team will design a plan that will work best for you.

1NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing.” Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. Anthony J. Covarrubias, Rosalba Perrone, Alessia Grozio, and Eric Verdin, December 22, 2020.

2Sobriety and Satiety: Is NAD+ the Answer?Antioxidants, Nady Braidy, Maria D. Villalva, and Sam van Eeden, May 2020

Weight Loss Shots

Decoris Aesthetics offers clients a complete path to weight loss without the necessity for exercise, which you can read about at our weight loss page. While the Ideal Protein Meal Replacement plan, which is designed to reset the metabolism through a high-protein/low-carb eating plan, is the centerpiece of our program, we also offer supplement injections that can help to boost all kinds of weight loss efforts – including modest weight reductions of a few pounds to fit into a favorite dress or look your best at a major event.  

  • L-methionine, inositol, choline, and cyanocobalamin are four nutrients that, when combined as MICC, can create a powerful boost to help the body burn fat with or without exercise. Clients also often notice benefits such as improved mood and alertness.
  • Lipo Mino-Mix. A combination of eight powerful B vitamins: choline, inositol, hydroxocobalamin, L-carnitine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine. When put together, they offer a one-two punch in terms of weight loss – boosting the body’s ability to burn off fat while also helping to reduce the appetite to aid your efforts to eat a healthy low-calorie diet.
Decoris Aesthetics Can Help!

Ready for a Wellness Boost?

Decoris Aesthetics and its team of outstanding healthcare and beauty professionals are here to help our clients live the best lives they can. If you think an IV treatment or shot for feeling your best, fighting aging, or losing weight is for you, we want to hear from you. Call us or get in touch with us by email to find out more about what we can do for you.

Redheaded beautiful female resting and getting IV infusion in spa salon
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