Cosmetician gives chin botox injection to patient

Chins come in many different shapes and sizes and people have their own opinions about what type is more attractive. However, it’s safe to say that nearly all of us want just one of them! 

In the past, the only certain way to get rid of a double chin was via facial liposuction. Here in the third decade of the 21st century, however, Kybella has become the go-to nonsurgical alternative. Proven safe and effective for treating submental fat with a high level of satisfaction,*

Decoris Aesthetics has been providing this highly effective treatment with great success for some time. 

* Noninvasive Submental Fat Compartment Treatment,” Ava T. Shamban, MD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, December 4, 2016

What is Kybella ?

Kybella is a synthesized version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that emulsifies (breaks down) fat to facilitate digestion. Approved by the FDA for dissolving submental fat below the chin, deoxycholic acid is also being looked at for several other purposes, both cosmetic and therapeutic. 

What Happens During Kybella Treatment at Decoris Aesthetics?

Once clients have settled comfortably into the spa chair, we will mark the locations underneath the chin where Kybella will be applied. That is followed by light numbing injections to ensure that there is an absolute minimum of discomfort. Once the skin is numbed, the next step is to use a very small needle to make the necessary Kybella injections in the numb areas of the skin. The entire procedure typically takes about 15 minutes.

After the Procedure

Client experiences will differ but the impacts in terms of reducing the size of the double chin will take about 4-6 weeks. In some cases, a second treatment may be needed. However, the good part is that once the submental fat cells are gone, they stay gone. While it will be important to maintain your weight following the procedure for both health and appearance reasons, the double chin should not immediately return if you’ve put on an additional few pounds.


Since Kybella is nonsurgical, downtime is essentially non-existent and the very minor after-treatment side effects will be short-lived.

Clients may experience some tenderness in the area where the injections were made and perhaps some minor discomfort, redness, and swelling. This can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication such as topical analgesics, Tylenol or NSAIDs (Advil/ibuprofen, etc.), and ice packs. If follow-up sessions are needed, any discomfort should be notably reduced. 

More serious side effects are very rare, especially when Kybella is applied correctly by skilled medical professionals. You should seek immediate medical care, however, if you have difficulty swallowing, facial weakness, or a sudden rise in blood pressure.

Who is a Candidate for Kybella?

Most healthy people with submental fat who want Kybella can have it. The exceptions are clients who are planning to have facial surgeries or, in some cases, who have had facial surgery in the past. 

Clients who are pregnant or nursing, have chronic swallowing problems, or have other medical conditions underneath their chin should put off Kybella treatments for the immediate future. 

What Do I Need to Do to Prepare for Kybella Treatment?

Just three things:

  1. To reduce the chances of bruising, you will need to avoid blood-thinning medications such as NSAIDs before treatment. 
  2. Wash your face thoroughly before the procedure to help prevent infection. 
  3. Even though there is no real downtime with Kybella, it’s not a good idea to schedule your treatment close to a major event. If you’re trying to look your best for something specific, make sure to give yourself several weeks beforehand for Kybella to work its magic.
Decoris Aesthetics Can Help!

Ready for Kybella?

If you’re ready to say goodbye to that annoying double-chin, say hello to one of our friendly and expert medical and health professionals by phone or email. At Decoris Aesthetics, we love helping people to look good and be at their best.

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beautician makes chin augmentation to patient with filler injections